Saturday! Once again, it has been a long week with a lot of program. Tuesday evening was really nice. I spent the evening in good company, eating sushi at a restaurant in central Copenhagen. I had a funny experience at the restaurant, one of those things you usually see in a comedy on TV. The food was moving around! I'm not joking. The food. was. moving. We had to ask a waiter if this was normal, and he assured us that the food was not alive and that it was supposed to "move around". It was something about seaweed and heat. Anyways, the food was moving.
Wednesday there was show jumping practice. Both Castanja and Cristie did good. Thursday there was dressage training. Friday nothing special. I took Robbie for some exercising in the riding hall (I enjoy being a pony rider again!!!) with Corra I took a tour in the woods but it was cold and slipper.
Yesterday we had sushi and champagne here on the yard. There is always something to celebrate! And we watched the danish X-Factor. :D
At the moment there is an invisible could of bad smelling substances surrounding me. We have had a problem with the horses eating the wooden fence and M bought some stuff to put on the fence so it wouldn't be so nice to chew anymore. Well, at least it smells REALLY BAD. I spent about one hour spraying this stinking substance on the fence, with the wind in my face. Now I smell terrible. It was called something like "hirvisarviöljy" and had the picture of a pig on it. I did not read the contents. I don't want to know. But now I'm covered in it. Lovely.
Tomorrow is my day off!
Lördagen till ära sätter vi in ett klipp av danska The Rumour Said Fire - The Balcony
I enjoyed it!