Wednesday meant show jumping practice! It has actually been quite a long time since I've been jumping any fences, since I injured my hand on a jumping practice and then had a Christmas break. Yesterday was a success! Somehow I just become a better person when I'm riding for my trainer here. But oh, his stories... And yesterday he offered me a job as well! So if I don't go to university, now I know where to go. Ei huolia äiti, en mä oikeesti lähe sinne töihin. Ihan yliopistoon ajattelin kyllä hakea.
Well, I have to tell about my first 5 seconds in the saddle when we came to the practice. I was going to get up on Cristie's back to start the warm up but it lasted about maximum 5 seconds before I was heading back towards the ground, head first. Everyone watching said it all looked very artistic and Crisite for sure did not know what just happened. Apparently the saddle was a little bit loose and when I put my weight in the stirrups, the saddle tilted a tiny bit, Cristie made a little jump and then a big jump straight up in the air and I found myself chewing sand on the ground. The rest of the training she was super good! Once again I have to mention how fun it is to ride young horses! :)
Castanaja was also great yesterday! After the first couple of jumps I really think she got an idea about what jumping really is about. She has had no problem with the height of the fences, just her style has been questionable. NOW we found the right pace and suddenly we weren't halfway to the moon, but at a reasonable height over the fences.