maanantai 8. lokakuuta 2012

15 horses

Today, for the first time since I arrived here, I've had 5 horses to actually ride! It's going to be a busy winter now when all the horses in the stable are working (except Duden). If none of them are sold, I'll have 7 horses to ride each day. Today I took out Robbie (the pony), Birka, Lhasa, Corra and Castanja. The weather was wonderful and the woods nearby are really beautiful this time of the year. The leaves are changing colour and the sun was shining today and it was great to be out in the woods.

I have to especially mention Lhasa because today was the first time ever that she didn't stop while we were out alone and she kept to her 4 legs in the ground all the way. Making progress here!!! The first weeks here I think I haven't heard the word "sindssyg" (means crazy or insane in Danish) be used this much about a horse. Now I hear it less and less when we talk about Lhasa. :D

Tomorrow there will be two new horses arriving. A mare and her foal. They have been living somewhere on Jylland during the summer and are now coming back. Hurray, more horses!! I think I'm taking care of 13 horses at the moment so with my SL IB maths two more will make 15 horses to take care of each day. I enjoy it though! ^^

Cristie and Duden

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